I can't believe how fast Blake is growing up! Sometimes i get really sad. Then i get over it when i remember we're having another baby in two months, and we get to start all over:) Blake is doing really well feeding himself and i just think its so cute when he does. In these pics he's eating with a spoon but my favorite is when he eats with a fork, there is just so much concentration it cracks me up. I love this little guy and am so excited to have more kids!
Christmas Party Games
7 years ago
Oh my goodness especially in that second picture he looks so so grown up! Aiden is starting to get good with utensils but still has a hard enough time that sometimes I prefer to feed him the messiest foods myself. He's getting so independent though that he gets mad about it and refuses to take it. So I either starve my baby or spend my life cleaning up messes! Haha oh life as a mom... :p