Blake had his 2-month appointment yesterday and now weighs 9lbs 8oz and is 23 ¼ inches long. This puts him in the 10% for weight and the 75% for height. When we first got to Arizona we thought he might be sick because his eyes kept watering and turning red, and even though he wasn't really fussy we took his temperature just to be sure, obviously he didn't mind and his temperature was fine. By the time we took him to the doctor he was all better and has been great ever since. He is starting to be a lot more awake and aware, and is smiling all the time. Blake is such a content and mellow baby, and so much fun! He is starting to hold his head up really well and look around. At night when he is eating I leave the closet light on so we can see, and no matter what way I face him he turns his head and stares at the light. It really cute and good to know that he will always follow the lightJ.
Christmas Party Games
7 years ago
I haven't seen him smile that big yet!!! That is so dang cute! I can't wait to meet you little Blake! He is getting so big already! Love ya!