Friday, August 7, 2009


When blake was born he had some trouble with his liver breaking down glycogen and had to spend his first 7 days in the NICU. Since then he has come home and grown so much during the past 6 weeks. Here he was only one day old and so little next to tanner's hand. 
By day three he had to have a feeding tube. He is such mellow and happy tempered baby that it didn't even seem to phase him. His Grandma Burby was holding him while i was talking to him and he gave us a cute little smile :)

By the 8th day he was all better and ready to come home! He was so little in the big car seat. 

At his two week appointment the Doctor said he needed to do at least ten minutes of belly time every day. Unfortunately, Blake doesn't like belly time so tanner has to help him get through it sometimes. 
Here Tanner and I are getting him ready for bed time. So far he sleeps good during the night, but every once and a while he has a night when he likes to stay up till 3am ... those are not our finest moments :) Since we brought him home he has been making it a habit to sleep 6 hours at a time during the night, and on good nights he will do it two times in a row!

I love to take Blakes picture, but i think he's getting sick of it :) Ooops! i left the flash on!

...and here he is now! 6 weeks old and he loves his swing. 


  1. Okay, seriously...keep the pictures coming! We can't get enough of this little man! Your captions were super cute...great job on your first posts! I hope that you get addicted so that I can see tons and tons of pics of you guys!

  2. OMG Britt he is beautiful, congratulations!!! I can't wait to see more pics! Miss ya


  3. YOU STARTED A BLOG!! I'm so excited and you're already added to my list. I've gotta call you sometime this week and I still want you guys to come over before you move. I miss you!!

  4. Hey so I came to look at this picture of Blake doing tummy time again because my dad was talking to the occupational therapist he works with in the nursery about how Aiden hates it too. She said the reason is because I'm supposed to prop his arms under his chest so his head isn't just banging against the floor and his arms can help lift up that heavy head. :) Does that make sense? So I looked at your picture again and you're doing it how I was. Try it with his arms underneath and see if he likes it better. Aiden does even though it's still not his favorite. :p
