Blake had his 15 month check up and i can't believe he is getting so old! He's still a baby but its still surprising how fast he is growing up! Here is a little about Blake... He loves puppies, the wii, outside, park, running, reading, bath time, fruit, friends (george, kenz, brynlie), playing in dirt and puddles, laughing, dad, and many more things but thats what i could think of off the top of my head. He has 6 teeth now, 4 top, 2 bottom, blond hair and brown eyes. Says momma, dadda, hat, and ba for bottle, bath, ball and bug. Theres a slight variation between each b word so i can tell the difference but i don't think anyone else can. He starts a word but has a hard time finishing it. i think he says more but i can't think of any right now. He moo's for a cow and arf arf for a dog/puppy. i can't decide what he should be for halloween a puppy because he loves them or a monkey because the costume is so cute! decisions, decisions... We have lots of fun things planned for the month of october so many fun posts to come!

Its finally starting to cool off here in louisville. We are so glad to be breaking off from the 90 degree weather.

Blake loves books! i often catch him in his room by himself looking through all his book or he follows me around the house saying momma momma trying to hand me a book. Of course i stop what im doing and we read a book, hopefully this love of books lasts!