Blake had his hair trimmed when he was 11 months old but that was just around the sides, none off the top. A couple weeks ago we started to notice just how long his hair was getting not only around the sides again, but especially on top. So we borrowed some clippers and tanner got to work!

Here is how long his hair was in the back before we cut it. I probably could have put it in a ponytail!

This was a better shot of the front and how long it was. Its also morning and he just woke up so the bed head doesn't help. He is playing with halloween stickies for the window.

We let him feel the clippers so he knew they were not scary. He thought they tickled his hand.

Still a little scary but he did great! Didn't move or complain the whole time tanner cut his hair.

Finished product! He's a little traumatized! Just Kidding we don't even think he noticed his hair was gone this is just his surprised face he does when we thinks something is cool. Anyway, i LOVE it! I think it makes him look sooo cute and older! i can't believe i kept it that long, for so long!
haaha his face is soooooo sweet <3 him!