The Louisville Zoo has a trick or treat in their zoo every weekend in October. This past weekend we got Blake a costume and took him to the zoo. This year he is puppy because he loves dogs! He says "pupp, arf, arf!". He doesn't love the hat but he keeps it on for a while before he gets sick of it. We have a few things we are going to this month where he can wear his costume so he should be use to it by halloween:)

I fell in love with this costume when i saw it because its so dang cute. I got it at pottery barn kids and probably paid to much for it since its little kid costume, but i justified it by saying he will wear it a bunch this month. tanner said its ok, he will just be a puppy for the next three years! JK:) Both of his grandparents sent him surprise packages this month with money for a costume so he could be the cutest puppy on the block! Its great to be the only grandson!

can you find the puppy(Blake) in the hay maze?

I didn't get a chance to take very many pics while we were at boo zoo because i notice about half way through my camera was missing! i was so sad:( It had so many pics i hadn't downloaded yet. So i called sunday, they didn't have it; i called monday, they didn't have it and i was worried; when i called tuesday they had it! I was sooo grateful that someone had turned it in! I'v had my camera for years and love it! So we went today (wednesday) and picked it up. Since we were already at the zoo blake and i stopped in for a visit for a couple hours. Here he is staring at the tiger. I think he thought it was the biggest puppy he'd ever seen!

This was a statue of a pig he was scared of... so i sat him on it and took a pic! He wasn't scared anymore.
Blake's costume is so cute!