Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake and Walker!

Yesterday was our cousins, Jake and Walkers, birthday! They turned 5 years old so we wanted to sing them a Happy Birthday song!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Big Boy!

Blake is growing up! He is becoming such a big boy! He is getting a lot more steady while sitting up and he actually likes his cereal now! He also loves to drink out of a cup like a big person. So I let him drink a little bit of my water or Tanner will feed him his rice cereal like that, and he loves it! It so fun to see his sense of humor develop and thinks some thing are so funny. He likes when we shake our head from side to side or when we laugh he laughs. I will also let him suck on my apple or grape and he goes crazy for it! He loves the sweet juice from it, but don't worry I don't let him do it too much. I also like to give him carrots or broccoli stems so he learns to like veggies also, but he doesn't like those as much.

Last week Blake and I dressed up as Mary and Jesus and told stories about Jesus's life for a Relief Society activity. It was a fun experience and Blake was such a good baby Jesus. He fell asleep right before we went up there and woke up right when i finished. I think he qualified to play Jesus:)

Right now we are just getting ready to go up to Utah for Christmas. I am so excited to see my family and for them to see Blake he has changed so much. We are also getting ready to move to Kentucky but thats not until April or June. There are a lot of thing we need to do before we move there, like where we will live and pay for everything. I know everything will work out like it's supposed to but its still a little scary to move somewhere we have never even been!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We are Going to Dental School!

11pm November 30 Tanner got an acceptance letter from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry we were so excited! That was our #1 choice.  He also got accepted to USC School of Dentistry but that was our last choice so it wasn't a difficult choice, but he felt good getting in to two schools. Then he got wait listed at UNLV and rejected from  Midwestern. So after months of studying, stress from the DAT, 12 applications, 4 interviews and 2 acceptances later, we are going to dental school in Kentucky. wahoo!