Sunday, November 1, 2009


Here are some Halloween pictures of Blake in his costume. A lady in the ward is a photographer and was offering to anyone in the ward to take halloween pics and make a CD for only $10. She is so nice and did such a good job. Blake was very good and patient while she took the pics. 
Blake was a pumpkin this year! His cousin Brighton also got her pictures taken and so we did some of them together. Blake's cute hat kept falling over his eyes. Everyone calls Brighton "B" so she was a bumble bee. 

Smiles! I made Tanner come with us to help find her house, and luckily i did because Tanner is so good at making Blake smile. We kept putting his hat on top of his little ears to help keep it up so we could see his cute eyes. I thought it was adorable how his little ears flopped over to keep his hat up. 

The last three are my favorite! I love my little pumpkin!


  1. Brit i am so happy for you! You're family is so adorable! I hope you are doing great! xo Kelly
